All SCDMV branches will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, for Presidents Day. Branches will reopen at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 18. Online services and SCDMV Express kiosks are available.
All SCDMV branches will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, for Presidents Day. Branches will reopen at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 18. Online services and SCDMV Express kiosks are available.
March 20, 2020
Please NOTE: This news release is dated March 20, 2020. Due to continued COVID-19 pandemic, driver road tests are suspended until further notice.
In accordance with Executive Order No. 2020-11, all SCDMV branches remain open to “ensure the proper function and continuity of state government operations.” The agency has taken steps to make sure the health and safety of employees remain a top priority, and customers are encouraged to complete their business with the agency online or by mail whenever possible.
“The value SCDMV employees provide to more than five million South Carolinians does not go unnoticed by state leaders,” said SCDMV Executive Director Kevin Shwedo. “This agency provides essential, mission-critical services every day regardless of the circumstances facing the state.”
South Carolinians are encouraged now more than ever to complete their SCDMV-related business online at or by mail. While branches remain open, you are encouraged to check to see if your transaction can be completed from the comfort of home before visiting an SCDMV branch.
South Carolinians can conduct the following transactions online:
SCDMV employees will continue to staff agency headquarters in Blythewood to ensure transactions like the ones listed above continue to be processed in a timely manner. Employees at the agency's headquarters will also support Motor Carrier Services, Member Services, dealerships, and other SCDMV partners.
“While SCDMV offices remain open to the public, we have suspended all road tests through April 3. However we will continue to offer the pre-trip and basic skills portion of commercial driver's license test,” said SCDMV Director of Branch Services Courtney Saxon. “Offices will function on a one-in, one-out model, and no branch will have more than the total number of customers that can be served at one time plus the total number of employees at the office inside the branch at any time.”
As expected during any transition, the SCDMV asks for South Carolina’s patience as the agency works through unchartered waters. The agency wants to expedite services for the people of the state as well as succeed in delivering secure identity and vehicle credentials, among other core functions.
Changes and updates to operations will be communicated with local media as well as on social media. The agency will work to keep all stakeholders engaged during this fluid situation. Your patience is greatly appreciated.