All SCDMV branches will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, for Presidents Day. Branches will reopen at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 18. Online services and SCDMV Express kiosks are available.
All SCDMV branches will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, for Presidents Day. Branches will reopen at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 18. Online services and SCDMV Express kiosks are available.
In October 2024, the SCDMV transitioned to online Dealer License Renewals only. If you have already renewed your Dealer License and need to renew or purchase demonstration plates, please visit the Dealer License Plates page for instructions. More information can be found on the Renewing a Dealer License page of our website.
If you are renewing your dealer’s license, please click here to begin renewing your license and demonstration plates online. Otherwise, to complete your annual demonstration plate renewal, or to purchase a new demonstration plate(s), please mail the following to the Business License Unit for processing.
Our website is currently undergoing maintenance to enhance online annual demonstration plate renewals and purchases of new demonstration plates. We will update these instructions once the ability to do so online has resumed. For any questions regarding online dealer services, please contact the Business License Unit at
Standard Mail
ATTN: Business License Unit
P.O. Box 1498
Blythewood, South Carolina 29016-0023
Overnight Mail
ATTN: Business License Unit
10311 Wilson Blvd., Building C
Blythewood, South Carolina 29016-0023
Qualifying for Dealer Plates
Licensed dealers and wholesalers may purchase dealer (demonstration) plates from the SCDMV. The purchase and use of these plates is limited as listed below:
You must meet these requirements to be eligible to purchase these types of plates:
If the SCDMV determines you qualify for dealer plates, you may buy dealer plates based on the number of vehicles you sold in the last 12 months. If you sell 15 vehicles, you can buy two plates. You may buy additional plates depending on which category you fall into below:
The SCDMV has the authority to lift the sales requirement if the company has been licensed less than one year. The transfer of ownership between the same individual and/or corporation more than one time is considered only one sale. Multiple transfers of motor vehicles between dealers or auctions for the purpose of meeting eligibility requirements are prohibited.
Insurance for Dealer Plates
If you purchase dealer plates, you must meet both requirements listed below:
Restrictions on Dealer Plates
The use of regular and heavy truck dealer plates is limited to vehicles that are:
If you have a vehicle with a dealer plate, you may drive it on SC highways. The driver must be an employee or corporate officer of the dealership. Customers of your dealership may drive the vehicle while test driving. If you choose to allow your customer to drive a vehicle, you must provide them with a completed Motor Vehicle Demonstration Certificate (SCDMV Form MV-38) or the equivalent. Customers are limited to driving vehicles with dealer plates for seven days.
When demonstrating or testing heavy trucks, the customer may use the truck to carry merchandise or cargo for three days. You must provide the customer with a completed Motor Vehicle Demonstration Certificate (SCDMV Form MV-38) or a Truck Demonstration Certificate (SCDMV Form 419-A)*. Employees and corporate officers who drive vehicles using regular or heavy truck dealer plates must be listed on the dealer license application. This listing must include their name, address, and driver's license number.
*The Truck Demonstration Certificate (SCDMV Form 419-A) is no longer available, but it is still accepted.
The use of wholesale auction plates is limited to vehicles where at least one of the following is true:
Vehicles equipped with wholesale auction plates may be driven by employees or corporate officers of the auto auction if they are listed on the dealer license auto auction application. This listing must include their name, address, and driver's license number.
Auto auction plates can only be used for transporting motor vehicles in the course of doing business as a wholesale auto auction and must not be attached permanently.
Driver Education Vehicle Loans
If a dealer loans a vehicle to a public or private school for use in a driver education program, the SCDMV will waive the $20 dealer plate fee. The use of a plate for this purpose is not limited. However, when the vehicle is not used as a driver-training vehicle, the dealer plate must be returned to the department.