New Fee Beginning July 1, 2017
June 27, 2017
New Vehicle-Related Fee Beginning July 1, 2017
Beginning July 1, 2017, people who purchase vehicles in South Carolina will owe a new type of fee instead of paying a sales tax.
Due to legislation commonly referred to as the Roads Bill, if you buy or lease a vehicle, trailer, semi-trailer, or other automobile on and after July 1, 2017 that will be titled and/or registered in this state, you will owe an Infrastructure Maintenance Fee (IMF) instead of sales tax. The IMF is in addition to applicable title and registration fees and property taxes. You will not be able to title or register the item until you pay the IMF.
The amount of IMF you owe is based on the sale price of the item you buy. You will owe 5% of the purchase price, but it will be no more than $500. If you purchase an item that is $9,999 or less, your IMF will be 5% of the sale price. If it is $10,000 or more, you will owe $500.
You have 45 days to register your vehicle.
Transferring Registration to South Carolina
Beginning July 1, 2017, people who move to South Carolina with a vehicle, trailer, semi-trailer, or other automobile that needs to be registered in SC will owe a $250 Infrastructure Maintenance Fee (IMF), in addition to applicable title and registration fees and property taxes, per item that needs to be registered in this state.
For example, if you move to SC from Georgia with a vehicle that was previously registered in Georgia, when you register that vehicle with the SCDMV, you will owe the IMF, applicable title and registration fees, and property taxes. You pay your property taxes to your county treasurer. You must bring your original paid property tax receipt when you visit the SCDMV.
You have 45 days to register your vehicle.
Out-of-State Residents Purchasing Items in South Carolina
Beginning, July 1, 2017, people who buy a vehicle, trailer, semi-trailer, or other item in South Carolina that will be registered in another state will not owe an Infrastructure Maintenance Fee, but will pay a sales tax upon purchasing the item.
Under the changes in legislation, the sales tax has increased from 5% of the sale price, with a maximum of $300, to 5% of the sale price, with a maximum of $500.